Reward an individual who has made a continuous and outstanding contribution by going above and beyond in their role in insurance, while positively impacting on their company’s success.

This person may have been nominated for their pro-activeness, their attitude to problem-solving and/or their high level of customer service.

Submit Nomination

See the full nomination criteria



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Global Reach. Local Presence.

Gallagher is your trusted global insurance and consulting partner. We’ve served Jersey for more than 90 years, which means we have in-depth local knowledge and long-established relationships with many clients. Coupled with access to global specialist expertise through our network of offices across 130 countries, we are truly unique. As a part of Rossborough, Jersey’s only Chartered Insurance broker, our clients are served by our locally-based professional team, who provide an advice-led consultative service. Our people are the difference. We belong to the communities in which we work and take pride in making a difference locally.

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